If you suffered injuries due to a dog bite, the animal’s owner could be liable for your damages. These damages could compensate you for any financial, emotional, or physical harm you suffered during the attack.
The law surrounding dog attacks can be complex, and even identifying the owner of the dog could be challenging without help. Thankfully, a Kings Mountain dog bite lawyer could help you pursue fair compensation for your injuries. Your attorney could do the heavy lifting associated with successfully pursuing a dog bite injury case.
Can I Sue the Dog Owner After an Attack?
If you have been bitten by a dog, you could have the right to recover financial compensation from their owner through a personal injury lawsuit. That said, the difficulty of securing a favorable outcome in these cases can vary depending on the circumstances.
According to the law, dog owners are strictly liable for attacks that occur when the dog is considered “dangerous.” This is important, in that strict liability means you do not have to prove the dog owner was careless in allowing an attack to happen. This could greatly increase your chances of a successful claim.
A dangerous dog is described by North Carolina Statute Section 67-4.1. According to the statute, a dog is dangerous if it is:
- Over six months old and roaming at large at night
- Previously killed someone
- Previously injured someone
- Previously was declared dangerous
It is possible to pursue legal action even when a dog is not considered to be dangerous. For example, dogs that are in violation of leash laws could also result in strict liability claims. In other cases, your attorney must meet a negligence standard. This means they must show that the dog owner failed to take ordinary care to avoid an injury.

Compensation for a Dog Bite Injury
There are significant costs that come with a dog bite injury. In addition to the financial costs, these injuries often lead to physical and emotional consequences as well. Our firm could help you recover damages based on all of these hardships.
Medical Expenses
Treating a dog bite injury can be costly in the short- and long-term. Immediately after an attack, you are likely to need stitches and other emergency medical care. These bites often require extensive ongoing treatment including medication to prevent rabies or even reconstructive surgery. You could recover compensation for the cost of these treatments.
Lost Wages
Some dog bite injury victims have little choice but to miss work during their recovery. For some, the extent of their injuries makes it impossible to immediately return to work. This sudden loss of employment could have dramatic effects on your budget and overall financial position. Thankfully, if your lawsuit is successful you could be entitled to damages based on your lost wages.
Scarring and disfigurement are common outcomes in a dog bite case. This is especially true for those who are bitten in the face by an aggressive dog. Although disfigurement is subjective, you could be entitled to compensation for the way your scarring has impacted your life.
Our Firm Could Handle Every Aspect of Your Case
Dealing with a dog bite injury can be stressful. You have enough on your plate with recovering from your injuries and dealing with the health consequences that can follow an animal attack. Putting your case in the hands of an experienced attorney could reduce your stress while increasing your chances of success. Some of the ways we could help include:
Identifying the Dog Owner
It might not be immediately clear who is the owner of the dog that attacked you. While the police or animal control are often able to identify the owner, there are times when their efforts are unsuccessful. Your attorney could thoroughly investigate to determine who owns the animal that bit you.
Evaluating Your Injury
The injuries that stem from a dog bite can be complicated. In addition to lacerations and bruising, these injuries often involve nerve damage that can result in chronic pain. Additionally, there are also risks of infections and other illnesses that come with a dog bite.
An attorney could compile your medical bills to determine the potential value of your injury case. The extent of your injuries will determine the cost of your medical care as well as other financial damages.
Collecting Evidence
Evidence that the attack occurred is important to your case for compensation. Your attorney could investigate the attack in an effort to identify witnesses. In some cases, security footage might have captured the attack as it happened. Your attorney could secure the evidence that makes your case.
Negotiating a Settlement
By building a strong case, your attorney could increase the chances that you will receive a fair settlement offer. Negotiating a dog bite settlement can be a complex process, especially when insurance adjusters are involved. Our firm could advocate for you to ensure you get the offer you deserve.
Litigate Your Case
It is possible that a lawsuit will be the only way for you to secure the compensation you deserve. The stakes are high when it comes to litigating these cases, and a minor error could bring your lawsuit to a sudden and unexpected end. Our firm could manage every aspect of your case to ensure you avoid mistakes that might disrupt your recovery.
You Could Recover Compensation Following a Dog Attack
Your dog bite injury is a serious issue that requires aggressive legal representation. If you are ultimately successful in pursuing your case, the compensation you are awarded could pay for your medical care as well as your other losses.
The attorneys of Farmer & Morris, PLLC are ready to help you fight for the fair outcome you deserve. We understand the trauma that can come with an animal attack, and we look forward to holding the owner of the dog that bit you accountable. If you are ready to get started with your case, call for a free consultation with a Kings Mountain dog bite lawyer today.