A DUI accident caused by another driver can have a huge impact on your health, finances, and career. If you are considering compensation for such damages, contact a Morganton DUI accident lawyer from Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC for help.
In North Carolina, monetary compensation may be awarded to DUI accident victims or their families who can not only prove they need the money, but also prove the other party caused the accident. A Morganton car accident lawyer from our firm will strive to help you prove both successfully.
Damages You May Be Able to Recover in Your DUI Accident Case
In order to receive compensation, you must have a compensable injury, and you must be able to prove it. A compensable injury can be a physical, psychological, or financial injury or cost.
Some examples of compensable financial injuries include:
- Repair expenses – The money needed to repair or replace your vehicle after it was damaged in the accident
- Lost wages – The earnings you did not receive because you could not work after the accident
- Lost future income – The earnings you will not receive because of your continued inability to work after the accident
- Medical expenses – The money needed to treat your accident-related injuries
Compensable physical or psychological injuries may be:
- Physical disability – The inability to use one or more parts of your body normally after the accident
- Intellectual disability – The loss of mental ability due to an injury you incurred in the accident
- Pain and suffering – Any harm to your physical or emotional well-being because of the accident
- Loss of consortium – Any harm done to your marriage because of the accident
We Can Help You Recover the Damages You Deserve
Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC can provide you with a DUI accident attorney serving Morganton. Your car accident lawyer will fight hard to protect your rights and recover any compensation that you are due.
Here is what our DUI accident attorneys can do for clients like you:
We Begin by Determining the Case’s Viability and Value
During your initial case review – which is free for our clients – a member of our team will explain how we can help you and determine what kinds of damages to pursue. We can also calculate the value of these damages.
We Investigate the Cause of the Accident and Your Injuries
To help us recover the damages you are owed, we will look for proof that the other driver caused the accident and your injuries. This proof can be invaluable to the case.
We Represent Our Clients So They Don’t Have to Represent Themselves
If the other driver’s insurance company ever tries to call you, you can simply tell them to call us instead. You will not have to worry about what to tell them or not tell them. We can deal with all communication and make sure the insurance company understands your position.
We Negotiate for Our Clients
Your lawyer will push the insurer and their lawyers toward paying you a fair settlement. We fight hard to make sure they do not shortchange you.
We Can Take Lawsuits to Trial
If the insurance company will not pay what you deserve, we can represent you in the courtroom instead.
We Support Our Clients Throughout the Experience
Our goal is for you to have all the support you need from the team at Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC. For example, we can provide regular case updates to keep your mind at ease throughout the process.
We Do More to Prove That You Deserve Damages
Even if your situation and story are very compelling, the insurance company may not offer a settlement. However, your lawyer may have many options to strengthen your case. Your lawyer can investigate and find evidence from many different sources, including:
- Car accident reports – The officer who responded to the accident should file a report with important information about your case, such as what the officer noticed about the accident and who was involved.
- Witness statements – We may be able to find people who witnessed the accident or its aftermath and could provide statements that support your need for damages.
- Video footage or photos – We may be able to look at footage from traffic or security cameras or ask witnesses if they took any recordings or photos of the crash.
- Medical records/reports – Your medical records or reports may help prove that the accident is responsible for your physical/psychological injuries and that you had to be treated for them.
Do Not Wait to Pursue Your DUI Accident Case
Certain kinds of evidence may be critical for your case. However, they may not be available to us for much longer. A witness can lose their memory of the accident over time, or a relevant police report may be discarded after a number of years. You should pursue your case as soon as possible.
Additionally, North Carolina has a statute of limitations that determines the relevant filing deadline. If you or someone you love were injured in the accident, the personal injury statute of limitations is generally three years from the date of the accident, per G.S. § 1-52. If your loved one was fatally injured in the accident, the wrongful death statute of limitations is generally two years, per G.S. § 1-53.
With enough notice, our DUI accident attorneys can ensure compliance with the filing deadline.
Get Your Free Consultation Today
At Farmer & Morris Law, PLLC, your initial consultation is completely free. We will evaluate your case at no charge and help you decide what steps to take next. If you decide to proceed with us, you can expect the same attention and care that we give all our clients. Read more about our clients’ experiences and our DUI accident lawyer here.
To get started, call our Morganton office today at (828) 438-8418.